NEW! Commercial Outdoor LED Parking Lot Lighting Fixtures.
Overview Of Commercial Light Pole Installation For Parking Lots, Streets & Roadway Lighting Fixtures.
Commercial light pole installation is a systematic process that flows from the conceptual and the general to the systematic and precise. This process is similar to a flowchart, with each segment depending on the segment before it, and each following segment resting on the foundation of the preceding segment. Every step along the way must be successfully completed without error, or the entire system is severely weakened and rendered ineffective.
Because of this interrelationship between the parts and the whole, the consequences of making a miscalculation at any stage of the installation of commercial light poles is error multiplied by error, malfunction compounded upon malfunction. Mistakes like this can happen when too many vendors are involved. A design source many not have access to the best commercial light poles, and the actual lighting pole vendor may not be able to seamlessly coordinate installation.
You can save yourself a tremendous amount of time and money when you obtain a turnkey commercial lighting pole installation from RLLD Commercial Lighting. Our representatives will handle the complete installation as a seamless consultation->design->procurement->installation project from start to finish, being careful to impeccably execute each of the following steps summarized below.
Your idea begins with an epiphany that enables you to visualize an outcome that is both affordable to your budget and satisfactory to your commercial lighting needs. This original idea functions as a “big picture template” that our representatives will respectfully consider as the starting point of the process.
If you work with one of our commercial lighting pole installers who can preserve the integrity of your initial idea, and expand it according to all logistical, legal, and technically sound principles, you will be much more satisfied and see your new lighting system as something you actually helped participate in creating.
Conceptual Design
Your concept is then expanded into a visual design that provides a working model of how your lighting system will look after it has been installed. Our many years of experience working in high-end lighting design ensure you an exceptionally detailed and attractive visual piece upon the completion of this step.
Photometric Calculations
Photometric calculations identify points of pole placement, the types and numbers of poles you need, and pole heights necessary to create the best levels and quality of light. These calculations ensure the technical and functional integrity of the conceptual design and allow us to make any necessary changes to the conceptual design prior to actual equipment purchase. They also enable us to narrow our focus on fixture procurement before the next stage even begins.
***Please take note of this special fact: RLLD Commercial Lighting uses some of the most sophisticated lighting design software currently on the market to develop your conceptual design and perform all photometric calculations accurately and expediently.
Fixture Specification
Certain light fixtures often perform better than others at specific heights and in specific environments. As part of our turnkey commercial light pole installation service, we identify the types of fixtures you will need, how many we need to provide you, and what customization options you will require for optimal lighting results.

Wind Zone Research
Wherever you are located in the United States, you reside within an area designated by the EPA as a “specific wind zone.” This designation refers to the speed of the wind in your area at various elevations. WIND LOAD refers to the ability of a commercial light pole to safely withstand the strongest possible winds in your area without collapsing. To install the most suitable commercial light poles, you have to know all the specifics about your particular wind zone, and you have to know how to equivocate the wind load of a pole you may be interested in buying in relationship to the specifications mandated by Federal law.
This is too much research time, and too much math, for your staff to expedite in a profitable time frame. As a nationwide specialist in commercial lighting pole installs, we already have this data for most parts of the country. If you live in a remote area, we can easily find it.
Local Codes/Lighting Restrictions
Installation of commercial lighting poles is also subject to local laws that govern lighting levels and lighting sources. The height and fixture mount on each pole has a direct impact on the direction and intensity of the light. RLLD Commercial Lighting will see to it that you have the best possible poles that produce the best quality and quantity of light within the boundaries of local laws and area lighting restrictions.
The quote we publish to you will always represent a fair, cost-effective, and accurate estimation of multiple values. First, we expand upon your idea in a practical, systematic manner, researching and detailing all of the technology involved to ensure its longevity, legality, and viability. Secondly, by calculating exactly how much lighting you need, we can show you exactly how many commercial poles and fixtures you need without wasting money or time. Consider how much more value you will gain when you obtain design, research, technical calculations, equipment, and installation from the same source. One-source seamlessness means timely results, lower margins for error, and greater opportunities for long term return on investment.
RLLD Commercial Lighting carries a wide variety of industrial & commercial lighting fixtures. If you can not find what you are looking for call us toll free at 1-866-654-3961 and we will find it for you. Our home office is located in Houston, Texas with warehouses located throughout the United States that enable us to service all 50 states including New York NY, Los Angeles CA, Miami, FL. Chicago, IL. Denver CO., New Orleans, La., Cleveland, Ohio, Kansas City, Mo., Mesa, Arizona, Virginia Beach, Va., Omaha, Nebraska, Oakland, California, Miami, Florida, Tulsa, Oklahoma, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Arlington, Texas, Beaumont, Texas, Denton, TX, McKinney, Texas, Midland, TX, Killeen, Texas, Dallas TX, San Antonio, TX, Austin, TX, ALBQ, NYC, LA, MPLS.