Custom Area Parking Lot Lighting Packages
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Bowling Center Parking Lot Lighting Project: Strike City Bowling & Fun Center Tackles New Area Parking Lot Lighting Project.
This client was a concept family fun center. It consisted of a bowling alley, a restaurant, and games for children and adults, beer for adults, and food for the whole family. We were called upon to design an area lighting system for them that met with very strict and detailed city zoning and planning codes.

Click Here For Photometric Lighting Design Of Strike City Bowling Center.
Area Parking Lot Lighting Design Concerns:
City zoning and planning required a very detailed photometric plan. The maximum/minimum foot candle ratio was rated at 10:1. At no point in our area lighting design could luminance fall below .5 foot candles. City zoning also required foot candle readings at the property line of the facility, which could not exceed 1 f/c.
City zoning further limited the height of area lighting poles themselves. In this particular community, poles are required to match the height of buildings. In the case of our client, the building was 24’ high, so the poles we proposed had to also measure 24’ in height.
Because this community is renowned for its historic district, lighting regulations require both poles and fixtures to complement the existing historic theme of the town.
Parking Lot Lighting Design Visualization: (Photometric Software)
Faced with both multiple aesthetic and technical considerations to accommodate, our photometric design software proved invaluable in developing a custom area lighting system for the family fun center. Using a CAD site plan provided to us by the center’s management team, we developed point by point calculations to lay out the foot candle levels mandated by the city zoning commission. We were also able to render a three-dimensional model of area lighting poles and fixtures mounted in front of the property to ultimately select the best decorative complements to the zoning commission’s historical/aesthetic requirements.
Parking Lot Lighting Equipment:
RLLD Commercial Area Parking Lot Lighting specialists selected decorative area lighting poles and fixtures from USA Architectural Lighting’s catalogue. Lighting poles measuring 24’ in height were installed according to this design, with 400W Metal Halide fixtures whose optics and angles of lighting incidence met the 10:1 f/c community area lighting requirements.
RLLD Commercial Lighting carries a wide variety of industrial & commercial lighting fixtures. If you can not find what you are looking for call us toll free at 1-866-654-3961 and we will find it for you. Our home office is located in Houston, Texas with warehouses located throughout the United States that enable us to service all 50 states.