Commercial gooseneck lighting has found its way into every vertical market. Industrial, retail, municipal, educational and restaurant service industry establishments use these unique, versatile gooseneck light fixtures for a number of key applications. The many different styles, wattages, and lamp types make it possible to adapt these fixtures to any architectural style and building size.
It is also important to remember that this particular type of commercial lighting fixtures features both decorative and functional designs. The reason for this is very simple. Some businesses increase their attraction factor by ornamenting building architecture and signs with decorative equipment. Other businesses do better to showcase their company name with minimal attention to the building or sign on which it is displayed. In both instances, however, fixtures play a vital role in supporting the overall intent of building aesthetics and particular business model.
The most popular application for this particular variety of specialty industrial gooseneck lighting is exterior building lighting. This application involves mounting a series of gooseneck light fixtures around all four sides of the building.

In some cases, as noted above, this is done to add decorative motifs around the upper portions of the building. In other cases, the functional dynamic here is to generate a basic visibility and to contribute to the perimeter security lighting around the immediate vicinity of the structure.
Examples of these applications range from decorating the eaves under the roofs of restaurants and retail store fronts to marking the upper perimeters of factory buildings and warehouses.
Along the lines of similar principles, many buildings light their facades with gooseneck lights. Many times this is done with very ornamental fixtures that draw attention to a storefront, hotel lobby, or the entrance to a 5-star restaurant. Car dealerships also light their facades with decorative fixtures that compliment not only exterior architecture, but visible portions of interior architecture that can be seen through showroom windows.
Sign lighting is yet another application for industrial gooseneck light fixtures. In many cases, these lights are the fixture of choice for contractor lighting applications that involve illuminating the company brand. Again, as in the case of outdoor building lighting, organizations can choose between both decorative and functional housings.
Goose necks can be mounted above the lettering of the brand on signs that are suspended from building facades, painted on the building side, or mounted on poles. Other models can be mounted at the base of monument signs or on the tops of monument signs. They are equal apropos to both up lighting and down lighting requirements, depending on the size and material constitution of the in-ground sign.
In recent years, commercial gooseneck lighting has also been used for interior lighting applications. Radial style lights have been very successful in providing general lighting for warehouses and factories. Goose neck lamps are also used in work areas as task lights. Their flexible neck design allows workers to manipulate them at will to direct light to areas that require special focus and attention.

RLLD Commercial Lighting has also outfitted a number of municipalities with decorative gooseneck light fixtures for historical restoration projects. In these case studies, we have helped towns throughout America restore their original town squares with ornamental fixtures that match the architectural styles of nineteenth and twentieth century period buildings.
Lamp types for all of the fixtures described above range from the relatively inexpensive incandescent to bright halogens for large building and security lighting. Fluorescents represent a high quality light source coupled with energy savings. LEDs are rapidly making strides as the most environmentally sound, power saving, and increasingly quality outdoor commercial gooseneck lights with the longest lamp life and the most infrequent replacement costs past the point of initial high point investment.
RLLD Commercial Lighting carries a wide variety of industrial & commercial lighting fixtures. If you can not find what you are looking for call us toll free at 1-866-654-3961 and we will find it for you. Our home office is located in Houston, Texas with warehouses located throughout the United States that enable us to service all 50 states. |